Refund policy
If your product is defective, immediately let our staff know and we will send you a replacement for free after investigating the malfunction.
We are unable to accept returns on retailer purchases, incorrectly purchased products, and products damaged due to customer error.
Lastly, we do not accept returns for non-damaged items or items that have been delivered incorrectly that have passed the 30 day money back guarantee period.
To put in a request for a return, please email our support staff at Once the claim is approved, they will ask you to send your items back to our global warehouse in Miami. Please note that the purchaser will bear any shipping costs associated with the returns.
Late or missing refunds (if applicable)
If you have not received a refund yet, first please wait 3-8 business days and check your bank account constantly.
Then contact your credit card company, it may take some time before your refund is officially posted.
Next contact your bank. There is often some processing time before a refund is posted.
If you have done all of this and you still have not received your refund yet, please contact us at
To make an order cancellation, please contact us immediately at If you cancel your purchase within 1 hour, we can unconditionally refund your money. Otherwise, your items will have to be sent back to us once they reach you.